Performance measurement
with a whole-of-organisation perspective

We design whole-of-organisation corporate performance management systems that actually work, and that truly measure performance rather than just activity.

We focus on answering useful questions, such as:

Our emphasis is on organisational performance measures that are valid and reliable, robust and defensible, and - most importantly - that help decision-makers.

Balanced Scorecard

The balanced scorecard considers four perspectives for an organisation:

  1. Financial - if we succeed, how will we look to our financial donors?
  2. Customer - to achieve our vision how must we look to our customers?
  3. Internal business processes - to satisfy our customers, financial donors, and mission, what business processes must we excel at?
  4. Learning and growth - to achieve our vision, how must our people learn, communicate and work together?

We work with organisations to integrate these perspectives with the strategic plan. Typically this involves working with the executive team – both individually and as a group – to understand what the business is truly about and what really matters.

We help select goal achievement metrics from industry standard measures and internal measures, so that you can benchmark yourself internally and externally.

Team Capability Maturity Model

Our Team Capability Matiurity Model (TCMM) looks at the factors that make up high performing teams.

Part of the TCMM is the Team Capability Scorecard (TCapS), a detailed diagnostic approach to understanding the heart of team capability - the people. TCapS is the people side of your balanced scorecard. It uses an organisational climate questionnaire that covers a wide range of facets of the workplace.

And for organisations concerned with safety, quality or reliability we use the Safety Capability Scorecard (safetyCapS). safetyCapS looks at processes, procedures and culture in high reliability organisations.

Management dashboard

A performance measurement framework is only as good as its interface with managers. We develop management 'dashboards' that echo an aeroplane cockpit - the important data are foregrounded, with green amber and red zones to highlight performance. Other data are peripheral and shown by status indicators. This dashboard, tailored for the organisation, offers true performance management information.

Read a paper on organisational climate dashboards, given to the International Military Testing Association conference, here (PDF 324 kB).

Six Sigma methods

We have expertise in Six Sigma approaches to organisational improvement. Six Sigma aligns very well with our empirical and hypothesis-driven approach to analysis and problem-solving.

Board Performance Evaluation

We also implement confidential and robust board performance evaluation systems that go beyond the questionnaire/interview approach to maximise the ROI from a board review.

Our points of difference are:

Read more about how we do board evaluations (PDF 146 kB)

Download our presentation to the Australasian Evaluation Society 2005 International Conference on board performance evaluations (PDF 230 kB)

Statistical analysis

We offer high-end statistical modelling with international expertise in structural equation modelling and multivariate analysis. Techniques include:

We also offer detailed numerical modelling of systems, allowing for ‘what ifs?’ and scenario modelling and planning.

Read a paper on designing simple and robust measurement tools, given to the International Military Testing Association conference, here (PDF 384 kB).